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  • Writer's pictureIngrid Keppler

Crystals Meanings and Benefits

***Benefits of the Crystals you find in your Healing Boxes and Ritual Bags and their Vibrations:

*Orange Selenite :

Connects with sacrum chakra . It brings a calming peaceful energy. Selenite propels us forward, continually asking us to become the brilliant vibrant person we are capable of being. A sparkle of joy and connection to the beauty of life.

Good to have in the bedroom, or to meditate with.

*White Selenite:

Connected to the crown chakra it embodies a high vibration. Creates personal transformation.

It also helps with clarity of mind bringing a calming and peaceful vibration, calming the mind, it is good for stress and helps a better sleep.

Good to have in the bedroom, or to meditate with.

*Black Tourmaline:

Protective Stone which repels and blocks negative energies, it also aids in the removal of negative energies within a person and space. It will cleanse, purify and transform dense energy into a lighter vibration. Grounding stone.

Good to be carried with you, placed in your car, entrance of the house or office, living area and close to your computer.

*Blue Quartz:

A helpful aid in any issues requiring diplomat. It is a soothing and calming stone, it brings a relaxing peaceful vibe to any situation. It enhances organisation abilities, self-discipline and orderliness. A stone for balancing throat chakra and enhancing communication and true self expression.

Good to carry with you if you need to find better ways to express yourself and communicate your truth in a balanced way, or to have at work or living area where you spend more time with other people.

*Green Quartz :

Helps to transmute negative energies into positive. Its is know to attract prosperity and success and stimulate one’s creativity. Activate Heart Chakra and healing and impart a sense of wholeness . The green Quartz is connected to physical healing as well.

Good to carry with you if you are working with heart chakra healing or balance in the way you exchange energy with those around. Beneficial to have at work or living area where you spend more time with other people.

*Rose Quartz :

Is the stone of universal love. It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love. Rose quartz purify and opens the heart at all levels to promote self -love, friendship and deep inner healing.

Good to have it everywhere, and perfect to be placed in the water you drink .

*Fuchsite :

It teaches true self worth. It is a stone of renewal and regeneration, imparting resilience after trauma or emotional tension.

Good to have it in your bedroom, or in a place where you visualise it everyday.


Rainbow Fluorite has a calming energy, bringing order to a chaotic mind and facilitating clear verbalisation of ideas once muddled. Rainbow Fluorite cleanses, stabilises and protects the aura, and improves physical and mental coordination.

Good to have it in a place where you visualise it everyday.


It symbolises the spiritual quality of joy, abundance, prosperity and transmutation. Responsible for amplification and manifestation abilities. Connected to our will power, confidence and sexuality. Related to both sacral and solar chakras.

Good to have in the entrance of your home or office. Living area as well.

*Tiger Eye:

Helps to release fear and anxiety, bringing harmony and balance. It stimulates taking action and helps you to make decisions with discernment and understanding unclouded by your emotions.

Good to have with you or anywhere in your house that you can see the stone often.


It clears energy blockages throughout the body enabling a rebirth or transformation. Called the nurtures, healers and the spirit stone of courage and wisdom. Strong connection with Earth Energybeing beneficial for grounding. It is a stone of stability and balance by encouraging our emotional and physical bodies to connect creating a sense of wholeness.

Good to place it in the living area.

*Clear Quartz:

It is all about clarity, light, reflection and amplification. It cleans all the other crystals when around them. Called as Master Healer.

Good to have anywhere of the house or working place, and also a good one to have in your drinking water.


Related to third eye chakra, it is know for its spiritual awareness , brings the sense of inner peace and healing, known for its relaxation qualities. Helps with emotional issues.

Great to use in meditation, can be used anywhere in the house and it is great to have in drinking water.


It helps trusting yourself and your perceptions. Restores vitality and motivation. Called woman’s stone as it balances woman’s reproductive system. Associated with Fertility and sexuality Carnelian is connected to both Base and Sacrum chakras.


Represent the feminine, birth, regeneration and fertility. Used in many cultures it has a different spiritual meanings.

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